Useful information

Travelling to Reunion Island

Four airlines companies provide regular and direct flights to Reunion from mainland France. You can also reach Reunion via Mauritius. The earlier you book, the lower the prices you’ll find. (


From the airport

The Roland Garros International Airport on Reunion is 10 kilometers far from Saint-Denis.

We will welcome you at the airport on your arrival.

The organizing committee has prepared bus shuttles for your arrival. Please let us know if you want to use them.

If you plan to book a car to rent, or wish to let us know the latest information about your travel plan, please inform us, please send us an email: cellule.europe[at] 

During the forum

We have planned buses shuttles to transport your from your hotel (see "Accommodation" below) to the different sites (see "the venue") during all the forum.

If you plan to rent a car, the maps below will show you the route from the hotels to the different sites.

Watch the route from Hôtel le Saint-Denis to the Moufia campus

Watch the route from the Maïdo Observatory to Saint-Pierre

Watch the route from Saint-Pierre to the volcanological observatory


Local transports information

Please note that a bus will take all the participants to the venues from two meetings points:

  • the Saint Denis Bestwestern Hotel for the first part of the week in the North
  • the Hotel Le Saint Pierre for the second part of the week in the South

The participants residing in different hotels will kindly be asked to join the group at those meeting points in order to use the planned transportation. All the necessary information to join the hotels will be indicating in the website.

Back to the airport

We will plan shuttles from your hotel to the airport at the end of the forum. Please let us know if you wish to use this service.




Car Rental 

Taxi and chauffeurs 


Bus to the airport


In Saint-Denis

Rooms are booked in two hotels:

In Saint-Pierre

Rooms are booked in the Hôtel le Saint-Pierre.